Category: Tips

Buyers Can Make Sure Their Transactions Close posted a really interesting article about the top three things that can go wrong for a buyer (read it here). The author estimates that about 1/3rd of all real estate transactions never close. There are three major reasons why your home could never close: The first, and most relevant to me, is your financing. So, you have the house,

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Should You Buy a Home Now or Pay More Later?

I recently read a new article on that looked at the question of whether a potential home buyer should buy now, or wait and risk potentially spending more money down the line. The article brings up some good points: inflation, rising prices, and rising interest rates all are very good reasons you might want to consider now instead of

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Why It’s Important To Choose The Right Lender

Usually, people think that because they have lots of assets, a high credit score, and a good income means that they will automatically be approved for a loan. Those people are not always correct, however. In some cases, even wealthy people are having a problem getting loans these days for all kind of reasons. Usually getting a mortgage on a

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How Important Is It to Work with a Professional on My Loan?

Surprisingly enough, the person that handles your loan transaction is more important than the actual lender that you work with. Even within the same company, clients can have a much different experiences based on the actual people who handle the transactions. In this volatile mortgage loan market, your point of contact will be the one locking the rate, advising on

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