Mortgage Rates May Go Up in 2014

An article in the Wall Street Journal this past week describes why mortgage rates may begin to rise in spring of 2014 (  While it is always a challenge for buyers without a down payment or with not-so-great credit scores to secure the best possible rate, it seems that it may be more challenging than it has been in 2013. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac raising the fees they charge lenders, so in 2014, more than ever, you need a mortgage banker you can trust to secure a loan for you. These new fees and higher interest rates will make getting a mortgage a process than only a seasoned professional can really navigate in your best interest.

If you’ve thought about purchasing property lately, or securing a mortgage, but have put it off, you could be facing much higher interest rates if you wait too much longer. Let me help you get the best rate and the best mortgage possible. I look on these changes as a challenge to overcome, not obstacles that should prevent you from having your dream home. My 2014 resolution to you is to be there when you need me, no matter where interest rates, the economy, or the real estate market go, whether up or down.

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